Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch

Cooper, Maggie Kate and their cousin, Emma spent an hour at the pumpkin patch. They rode in the wagons, looked at all the pumpkins and mums and posed for pictures. Cooper's favorite thing was a pile of leaves and Maggie Kate's favorite thing was the grass. I could have just taken them out in the back yard and saved some money on gas. We had a wonderful time. It is so wonderful to see their eyes of discovery. They learn so much each day and absorb everything from the world around them. It is always nice to spend the day with family. Me, Cooper and Maggie Kate ate lunch with Sue, Peggy, Connie and Emma at McDonalds then off to the patch.


The Beshores said...

Where is there a pumpkin patch around here?

Caacie Li said...

This was a little pumkin patch in Florence, but there is a good one in Florence also called McGee Farms ( They are closed for the season but you will have to go next year!