Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Look Back at Cooper's First Christmas

Christmas Pics

I have pictues of Cooper in both of these Christmas outfits. I'm going to post some of him for comparison.

Pulling up

This was Maggie Kate's first time to pull up. She was so proud of herself. Cooper and I clapped and cheered for her and she smiled and laughed.

Cooper's First Gingerbread House

While Maggie Kate napped, Cooper and I put together his first Gingerbread House (from a kit of course!) He worked so hard and was very particular about where every "piece of decoration" when. He kept looking back at the box to make sure I was doing it right :) This was so much fun for both of us and I can't wait until next year when Maggs can help. I should have taken a picture before I cleaned up. You would not believe what a mess we made!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

Last night while we were driving to Decatur to eat with some Open MRI folks, it was snowing here. The Shoals got about an inch to 2 inches of snow, but of course it did not stay around for long. This morning it has turned to ice and is melting fast. It was so pretty last night seeing everything covered in a blanket of white. I pray that we will get a "real" snow that Cooper will be able to play in.

My baby is growing up way too fast

Maggie Kate is 8 months old now. Wow, how time flies. She is almost crawling, sitting up and has sat herself up a few times. She is eating a lot more table food and loves mashed potatoes. She loves to watch her brother more and more every day! She can still wear some 6 month clothes, but is mostly in 9 months. She is loud ~ she squeals and babbles all the time. She says dadadada, gagaga, bababab and she has even started calling for me ~ just mama, mama. She has been sleeping like a champ lately. I just put her down for bed with her paci and rabbit/blanket and she goes to sleep. It is great! I also had to start closing the droprail on her bed since the day I went in to get her up from her nap and she was reaching her arm over the side.

She can take the whole bottle by herself! What a big girl!

this is the first time she sat herself back up. I hope she masters this "trick" soon!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Attempting to Get a Picture for Christmas Cards

You will have to wait to see the one I did choose! But, these were too sweet not to post.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Winter Wonderland at Bass Pro Shop

We had been trying to plan a try to Bass Pro for several weeks and finally did it! Here is how the morning started. Matt and I were trying to talk ourselves into going and Cooper walked in the room. Matt said, "Cooper, do you want to go to Bass Pro Shops today?" He said, "Yeah!" and ran out of the room. He came back into the room in a few minutes without a stich of clothing on and said, "Somebody needs to get me some clothes on." This is the same child that wants to wear his pajamas ALL day. Needless to say, he was very excited about going!! We had so much fun. The Santa and Mrs. Claus were beautiful. Cooper and Maggie Kate both enjoyed themselves. Cooper got to color a picture, write and mail a letter to Santa, shoot a gun and bow, sit in Santa's lap, watch the trains and all the "biggo" fish. What more could a little boy want? Maggie Kate was great the whole day ~ and I do mean "whole day" ~ we were there forever! She even took a little nap in the buggy. How blessed I am to have such sweet babies.

what do I want from Santa....

"I'm going to mail the letter, but I don't want to go see him" (Santa that is)