Friday, December 12, 2008

My baby is growing up way too fast

Maggie Kate is 8 months old now. Wow, how time flies. She is almost crawling, sitting up and has sat herself up a few times. She is eating a lot more table food and loves mashed potatoes. She loves to watch her brother more and more every day! She can still wear some 6 month clothes, but is mostly in 9 months. She is loud ~ she squeals and babbles all the time. She says dadadada, gagaga, bababab and she has even started calling for me ~ just mama, mama. She has been sleeping like a champ lately. I just put her down for bed with her paci and rabbit/blanket and she goes to sleep. It is great! I also had to start closing the droprail on her bed since the day I went in to get her up from her nap and she was reaching her arm over the side.

She can take the whole bottle by herself! What a big girl!

this is the first time she sat herself back up. I hope she masters this "trick" soon!!